Rory Ellis

Full-Stack Software Engineer with a Digital Marketing Background

Experienced in: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, Express.js, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

LinkedIn Resume GitHub
Deal Finder Front-end Application Preview Image
Deal Finder: Front-end

React.js front-end application utilizing React-Bootstrap components to display localized restaurant data via my dfndealfinder-api.

App Demo GitHub Repo
Deal Finder Backend-end API Preview Image
Deal Finder: Back-end

Python/Django REST Framework API connecting a PostgreSQL database to my dfndealfinder-react front-end application.

GitHub Repo
Code Challenges Preview Image

Solutions to various code challenges for some visibility into my thought process and coding style. Solutions and prompts are modified slightly from originals to avoid spoiling the learning process for anyone.

GitHub Repo
Essential CRM Front-end Application Preview Image
Essential CRM: Front-end

General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive group project. Simple Customer Relationship Management tool using React.js and Bootstrap Front-end with Express/Mongo backend API.

App Demo GitHub Repo
Essential CRM Backend API Preview Image
Essential CRM: Back-end

General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive group project. Express/Mongoose/Mongo API with JWT authentication.

GitHub Repo
Riding Weather Application Preview Image
Riding Weather

ReactJS application utilizing a 3rd-party weather API, Google Maps Places Library and Geocoder API, and Navigator WebAPI to offer near real-time weather conditions analysis for planning outdoor activities.

App Demo GitHub Repo
Simon Game Recreation Application Preview Image
"Simon" Game Recreation

Recreation of the classic "Simon" light and sound pattern game with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

App Demo GitHub Repo